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6/14 Fri

Dr. James Klim

6/14 Fri  1:30PM - 2:30PM

The Positive Impact of Digital Dentistry on Materials and Restorative Workflows

Today’s digital intraoral scanners provide high-precision digital impressions of the patient’s mouth without the need for traditional impressions while improving the patient experience. By exporting digital files to advanced AI software, the clinician can achieve better diagnostics and treatment planning, a more successful restorative workflow, and accelerated profitability growth potential.  

Learning Objectives:
  • Enhance knowledge of intraoral scanning technology and applications, including study models, orthodontics, implants, removable appliances, and restorative and cosmetic dentistry.
  • Drive successful clinical outcomes by understanding the guidelines for tooth preparation and restorative material applications.
  • Save valuable clinical time by maximizing the precision benefits of restorative digital workflows.
Dr. Dhaval Patel

6/14 Fri  2:30PM - 3:30PM

Digital Protocol for Overdentures

Going over the protocols for picking cases and implementing a digital workflow in converting or designing an overdenture. It's important that we know all the tools that we can utilize in our practice and what options we have for our patient benefit. Learning how and when to utilize a custom angled and custom height locators is a powerful tool we should all be aware of.

Learning Objectives :

 Treatment planning and data collection
 Guided surgery protocol
 How to use Custom Locators for over dentures
Dr. Tarun Agarwal
Dr. Sully Sullivan

6/14 Fri  4PM - 5:30PM

The 4 Keys to Scaling Your Business

At some point in our practice careers, we must stop grinding away tirelessly. If left to that mentality we reach burn out, lower profitability, and underutilization of our skill sets. By diving into the four pillars of soft skills, infrastructure, clinical skills, and patient attraction you can start making more money, loving dentistry again, and doing more of the work that you love to do.

Learning Objectives:
  • Understand the four keys to scaling your business: Soft Skills, Infrastructure, Clinical Skills, and Patient Attraction
  • Dive into infrastructure and what it takes to complement the clinical skills for scale
  • Stop focusing on our hygiene employment issues and start attracting the right patients

6/15 Sat

Dr. Louie Al-Faraje

6/15 Sat  8AM - 9AM

State-of-the-art treatment planning for full arch implant reconstruction

Full arch implant reconstruction – also known as All-on-X – is the process of creating a whole new smile using 4-6 dental implants. If planned and executed correctly, the result creates a beautiful and strong smile that resembles natural teeth. Improper treatment planning, however, can lead to a disastrous outcome. In this lecture, Dr. Al-Faraje will cover all of the necessary steps in the treatment planning process that will prevent possible complications and ensure a successful and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Topics include:
  • Collecting complete diagnostic data
  • CT scan analysis for full arch implant therapy
  • Smile analysis
  • Surgical options
  • Transferring the treatment plan onto the surgical field using digital workflow
  • Options for the provisional prostheses
  • Options for the permanent prostheses
Dr. August De Oliveira

6/15 Sat  9AM - 10AM

3D Printed Digital Implantology

Learn how Dr. de Oliveira uses 3D Printing with implants to make his dentistry safer, more efficient, and fun! Same day designed and printed surgical guides using Pylon, TruAbutment's absolutely free guided surgery system, Exocad design and using the Sprintray Ecosystem to make same day implant restorations.

Learning Objectives:
  • Doctors and their team will learn about 3D Printed same day surgical guides.
  • Doctors and their team will learn how to use scan posts and ti bases in 3D printed screw retained crowns.
  • Doctors and their team will learn about the available resin and 3D Printing options in dentistry.
  • Doctors and their team will learn about design options for implant restorations.
Dr. Wally Renne

6/15 Sat  10:30AM - 11:30AM

3D Printed Dentures

Learn the latest clinical techniques for the digital fabrication of dentures. Newly developed efficient workflows will be discussed including best scanning techniques, records and jaw relationships, and digital design. New resin technology and denture finishing techniques will be explored.
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Dr. Justin Moody

6/15 Sat  11:30AM - 12:30PM

It's OK to be short

In a world mesmerized by long implants reaching for the zygomatic arch and the pterygoid plates we often overlook the workhorse implants that simplify many surgeries! We will discuss the use of short implants to avoid sinus surgery and advanced GBR procedures in the posterior mandible.
Learning objectives
  • Reliability and predictability of today's short dental implants

  • Crown to implant ratios and why there is no correlation to real teeth

  • Avoid the increased risks and complications caused by extensive bone regeneration in the posterior regions

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Dr. Zach Evans

6/15 Sat  1:30PM - 2:30PM

Taking Care of Implants. Peri-Implantitis: Causes, Diagnosis, and Management

Dental peri-implantitis is a major challenge in implant dentistry. This lecture delves into the intricacies of peri-implantitis, exploring its etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management strategies. Attendees will gain insights into the latest evidence-based approaches for treating peri-implantitis and preserving implant health.​
Learning objectives
  • Define peri-implantitis and explain its significance in dental implantology.

  • Recognize the clinical signs and symptoms of peri-implantitis and understand the diagnostic criteria and methods.

  • Identify pathogenesis, etiological factors and risk factors associated with peri-implantitis.

  • Discuss strategies for prevention, including preoperative considerations, surgical techniques, and postoperative maintenance.

  • Evaluate various treatment approaches for peri-implantitis, including non-surgical and surgical interventions, regenerative therapies, and maintenance protocols.

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Dr. Eric Ballou

6/15 Sat  02:30PM - 3:30PM

Simplifying Implant Placement and Restoration- What is GH2 and Why is it For You?

Learning the advantages of keyless implant systems and how they can lead to less doctor, patient, and dental team time. 
Restoring implants with a simplified approach can influence the design of the implant crown for predictable success. 

Learning objectives
  • Identify why the keyless surgical kit is easier and preferred
    Explore why depth of placement with full guided implant surgery is critical
  • Options vs recommendations for gingiva height and implant crown design in-house or from a lab
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